woman in white shirt lifting her arms up

Arm Lift

Excess skin sagging from your upper arms can harm your self-esteem and even cause health issues. An arm lift is a procedure that can solve this problem and bring your life to a new level.  Find out why so many from all around Minneapolis come to Dr. Stephanie Peng in Minnetonka, MN, for life-changing arm lifts.

What Is an Arm Lift?


An arm lift, also known as brachioplasty, is a body contouring procedure designed to help people with sagging skin on their upper arms. It works by reducing the excess skin and fat, while also tightening existing tissue to reveal an improved tone.

Brachioplasty is often performed for patients after they have had weight-loss surgery. This is because substantial weight loss in the rest of the body frequently leads to sagging underarms. Brachioplasty might also be recommended to offset the effects of aging.

Pleased Patients in Minnetonka

"I love the staff and Dr. Peng. They answer all my questions. I would recommend anyone to go there."

— MK Lee

Are You a Good Candidate?

Generally speaking, any healthy patient who does not smoke is a good candidate for brachioplasty. One of the biggest determinations for candidacy is significant recent weight loss. If you have lost an impressive amount of weight, it is recommended that you maintain your new weight for at least six months before undergoing brachioplasty.  

The Arm Lift Process The arm lift procedure takes about two to three hours from start to finish

An arm lift can raise your confidence to new heights

Simple Surgery Steps

An arm lift can raise your confidence to new heights

Precise Planning

Dr. Stephanie Peng will mark the areas on your arms where she plans to make incisions. This careful pre-planning allows our surgeon to maximize results and minimize scarring.

Calming Anesthesia

Our experienced team administers general anesthesia to help make you calm and pain-free throughout your surgery. 

Accurate Incisions

Dr. Peng makes incisions on the back, inside, or uppermost portion of your arms. She then tightens and reshapes the tissue in your upper arms. This is followed by skin trimming, and draping of skin over the tissue to create a smooth appearance.

Necessary Extraction

Removing fat will improve aesthetics in many cases. Dr. Peng may also perform liposuction to remove extra pockets of fat that may inhibit your healing process.

Careful Closure

The surgery concludes with your surgeon closing and stitching the incision sites. In some cases, Dr. Peng will place temporary drainage tubes in your arms that help siphon away fluid.

What About Scarring?

Arm Lift

The biggest concern for many patients who undergo an arm lift is that they will have unsightly scars on their arms. They might think. "What's the point of removing skin if what is left is going to be all scarred up?"

Any type of surgery will produce scarring. However, the scars of healthy patients should heal and fade over time as long as they follow simple aftercare instructions from our plastic surgeon. Dr. Stephanie Peng also works carefully to minimize scarring. Any scars you do have are as unnoticeable as possible.

Arm Lift Aftercare

When your surgery is done, you will experience some improvement in your appearance almost immediately. Some patients need to stay in the hospital overnight, while some are able to go home the same day. If you are able to go home the same day, please make sure someone is available to drive you since you will be groggy for several hours from the anesthesia.

During recovery, you may need to wear a compression garment to manage swelling. Other than that, all you have to do is follow the postoperative instructions, which will likely include:

Watching for Adverse Symptoms

You should let Dr. Stephanie Peng know if you experience significant draining, redness, or fever. Contact our plastic surgeon immediately if you experience severe symptoms like chest pain or sudden shortness of breath.

Following Prescriptions

It is important to abide by the antibiotic and prescription routine your surgeon gives you. Doing so will lower the risk of infection and help manage any pain you might encounter. 

Incision Care

Dr. Peng will go over the simple ways you can help your incisions heal. One of these usually includes keeping your arms elevating when at rest. This encourages healing and discourages inflammation.

Not Smoking

Smoking slows down the healing process following your arm lift. This makes it more likely that you will encounter adverse effects such as infections or permanent scars. 

Within two weeks, you should be able to resume basic activities and return to school and work. Within six weeks, you should be fully functioning at your normal pre-surgery level. 

How Much Does This All Cost?

The cost range for our arm lift surgery is $5,000 to $7,000, depending on the specifics of your treatment.

It is important to us that we are upfront about costs because most health insurance plans do not cover this type of plastic surgery procedure. However, if you have a critical health need like chafing skin on the upper arm, your insurance may cover at least part of your arm lift. Dr. Stephanie Peng can discuss this with you in more detail during a consultation.

The Effects of Our Procedures Are Priceless

Woman Flexing

"Dr. Peng is a wonderful doctor who is communicative, professional, and extremely reassuring. If you need a hand injury specialist I cannot reccomend her enough. I always feel well informed and listened to. She clearly cares for and respects her patients."

— Thrunk Chudham

SP Plastic Surgery, LLC

SP Plastic Surgery, LLC

Dr. Stephanie Peng is a board-certified plastic surgeon who closely partners with every patient to achieve their aesthetic goals. She is affiliated with various national organizations, including: 

  • American Society of Plastic Surgeons
  • American Board of Plastic Surgery

Dr. Peng provides patients with life-changing surgical care and transformative results. To request a consultation with our doctors, contact our Minnetonka office online or call us at (763) 999-4170.

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